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Windows 10’s Package Manager, “winget”

Windows 10’s Package Manager, “Winget”

Microsoft has finally revealed a long-requested feature; a Windows package manager called Winget that allows you to easily install applications from the command line.

The package manager Commonly used in Linux to install new applications, package managers are tools that automate the installation, upgrading, and deletion of applications or packages.

The Windows Package Manager is a tool designed to help you quickly and easily discover and install those tools that make your PC environment special. By using the Windows Package Manager, from one command, you can install your favorite tool: winget install <tool>

How to install Winget

As the Winget Windows Package Manager is currently in preview, Microsoft has provided two ways to install it in Windows 10:

 1: Install through Windows 10 Insider builds

If you are a Windows Insider, you can signup for the Windows Package Manager Insiders Program with the same Microsoft account email address you use on your Insider build.
Once approved, the Microsoft Store will upgrade the App Installer the package on your Windows 10 Insider build and you will now have access to the winget command in PowerShell.

2: Download the latest app bundle from Winget's GitHub page

The easier method, and one that can be used by all Windows 10 users, is to download the latest version from Winget's GitHub releases page.
Once downloaded, double-click the Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbundle file and the App Installer program will run.

Update App Installer
Update App Installer

When it's done, the App Installer screen will state "For proper functioning of the app, try to launch a Windows app package." At this point, close the App Installer window. You will now have access to the Winget command in PowerShell.

Using the Windows 10 Winget package manager:

 open CMD or PowerShell and type the command Winget this type of information you found on the screen.

Commands :

  • winget search to search the package.
  • winget install -? to open the help meun.
  • winget show to known more about the package or software which you want to install. 
  • winget install <tool name> is used to install the package on your system.

Winget  commands

Installing a package

When you have decided what package you wish to install, you use the winget install command.

For example, to install Notepad++ we would use the following to the command to download and install it from developer's web site or GitHub repository:
Winget install example

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